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Visionary. Artist. Activist.

My name is Gregoire Marshall, and I’m a visual artist, writer and teacher. As I like to say, I teach perseverance of the wounded warrior.  I am a father, brother, son, life partner, and long-term HIV survivor.  I have experienced stigma, shame, darkness, and have had to find my own Invincible Truth. 

As a man who has lived six decades, I have come out the other side with many lessons learned.


I was bullied as a child for being effeminate, creative, and not the same as my counterparts. In my mind, the only way to undo hate is with the creation of a new love, not just for myself but for those alike in the same suffering. I am an openly gay man who had the chance to be gifted the greatest gift of all, a beautiful daughter, made possible through a woman's love. Yet at the same time, I received the death sentence diagnosis of HIV and I was placed in hospice -- And defied all odds by my recovery. 

Through writing and creating, I found a more concentrated avenue for my art; To share my stories, and help others find agency and inspiration instead of trauma and stigma, and come to the realization of their enigma - Their own unique strength and beauty. 

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